Installation “Classic”

After you purchase the theme you will receive a shop membership and several downloadable zip files.

Upload your main theme zip and install it. You don’t have to upload all images at once. Unzip locally and see which ones you want to upload.

In your WordPress admin panel go to:
Appearance > Themes
Choose: Add Theme > UPLOAD.
Select the downloaded zipped theme and hit upload.

After you upload you need to activate it*

*This theme comes with a Child Theme. If you are planning to customize theme, using a Child theme is  recommended; in that case, you need to upload/install both main theme and child theme and activate Child theme (in which you’ll do the custom styling etc.)

Theme will create “featured” category during installation, since it’s needed for slider to work. (You can rename the featured category name but do not rename or delete the featured category slug!)

Your theme is ready to be configured. Appearance > Menus and create main menu and add your pages and categories.

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