Faction Design Change

The downloadable files include folder “Alliance Horde Variants” .

In that folder you can find designs you like to upload and display on your site.
They are divided in two main category of color Red and Blue. simply choose which one you like and upload them into theme’s main images folder.

Keep in mind, when you change color from red to blue or vice versa you also need to upload corresponding menu bar graphic to show correct color of the cloak

Front Page Template Setup

The theme comes with custom front page templates designed just for this theme (v3)

In order to show them follow these simple steps:

  • Go to your WordPress admin panel and create a normal page “Home”
  • In Page Attributes select on of them templates. (rec. front Page Templates), after hit “Publish”
  • Go to Settings > Reading Settings
  • Check radio button called “static” and choose “Home” from drop-down menu, hit “save changes” button.
Set as front page template

Template types

Theme comes with 4 front page templates.

Front Page – Post Excerpts

This template will show Featured Slider with Featured category posts and rest of the posts below it in short format (excerpt, portion of the entire post). Optionally will show featured Image of the post , if you assign one.

Front Page - Posts Excerpts Layout Royal theme

Front Page ExcerptsNo Slider

As the name implies, this template will not show Featured Slider but will show all post excerpts in one sequence including featured posts.

Front Page - Posts Excerpts Layout

Front Page Full Posts

This is similar to the previous template except instead of displaying part of the post (excerpt) it will display full posts in sequence.

Royal Warcraft WordPress theme Full-posts front Template

Static Front Page

As the name implies, this template will not show Featured Slider but will show all post excerpts in one sequence including featured posts.

Static Fromt page template

Installation-Royal Theme

The Warcraft WordPress theme’s installation is straightforward.

After your purchase, you’ll receive the site membership emailed to you as well as purchased item download link.

  • Click the link to log into the site.
  • Download the Zipped archives
  • In your wordPress installation admin panel go:

Appearance > Themes > Add New > select zipped theme on your computer and install + activate.

Background and header images

The theme comes with background and header images. Image zips you have to unzip on your computer and upload into your WordPress image library. You don’t have to upload all at once, theme doesn’t depend on them. You can upload whichever you like and set it as a background image.

Background settings are at “appearance > background” in Admin panel and under “customize”

Front Page Featured Post Slider

Front page templates include automatic slider. It holds all the posts that have “Featured” category with a featured image.
Slider shows latest 9 posts in its “cartridge” displayed 3 at a time with scrolling left or right arrows and is responsive.

warcraft wordpress slider

Create a simple post and assign “featured” category as well as add image to featured image area and publish it.

Static Home Template & Blog Roll

Static Front Page – Home Page template was added to World of Warcraft theme.

This template allows more traditional website approach to WordPress, meaning you can set up the WordPress as a static website AND keep the blog as part of the site.

The video in this posts demonstrates how to set this up quickly and effortlessly.

  1. Create a new regular page
  2. Fill with content of your desire (Text, Video, Image , anything)
  3. Assign the “Static Home Page” template
  4. Publish the page

Set pages in Settings Reading to be used as front page and blog posts pages.

Add bbPress Forum

The Warcraft WordPress theme comes with bbPress forum support and custom design integration.

To install it you need 2 main steps:

bbPress significantly simplified forum installation and configuration. Simply install from plugins section, activate and add Forums link to your menu and you’re done.

Install forum from: Plugins > Add New > bbPress forum
click activate and you’re done.

Now you are ready to create forums and Topics within the forums.
Forums Demo

TIP: WordPress and bbPress users do not need separate registration to your blog or forum. one registration is enough for both, but WordPress and bbPress have separate permissions settings to the same user.

For example, same user can be restricted from posting anything in WordPress blog but be allowed to post in bbPress forums in any capacity.

Child Theme

The Warcraft WordPress theme comes with its “Child Theme”

So what is “Child Theme”?

Child Theme allows a user to customize the look of their theme without editing the main theme.

Why can’t we just edit the main theme?
Child Theme feature was implemented by WordPress so to avoid theme updates erasing the customizations that users had made to it.

It is a “mini” theme that can override the main base theme design. It has styles CSS and Functions files that can be edited. The changes will override the main theme design without actually editing the main theme.

Any page can be overriden by (copy paste) the file from the main theme into the child theme (mirror the location, if its in a folder, make same folder in Child theme and put the desired file in there)

How to install a Child Theme?

Download both – main and child themes and then upload and install them to your WordPress installation.

Note here that you need to install both but activate ONLY Child Theme, not the main theme.

main and child-theme

Editing the CSS via Child Theme

child theme-contents

Simply open the style.css that resides in the child theme directory and edit away. You can’t harm or break the main theme. If something doesn’t work out, simply delete your added code in child-theme styles.css